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[리뷰] How to Design Better Metrics

https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-design-better-metrics-9bad7bc8c875 읽게된 동기: karel 소개로 읽게 됨 요약Principle 1: A metric should be a good proxy of what you’re trying to measure.다르게 얘기하면... 'what you're trying to measure'를 알아야하는데... 이부분이 제일 어려운 듯.  Principle 2: The metric should be easy to calculate and understand복잡한 분석이 안좋은 이유.1. 🤔 They are difficult to understand.  -> 매번 물어봐야하고 까먹고 오용하고..2. 🧑‍..

[정리] 최근 정리했던 서버 시스템들

완전 간단하게 정리했던 서버 시스템들.   서버시스템_2015.png     서버시스템Front-end : Angular, React.js, Vue  : https://medium.com/unicorn-supplies/angular-vs-react-vs-vue-a-2017-comparison-c5c52d620176Test : Karma. Protractor. Jasmine.  https://blog.outsider.ne.kr/1020build : Grunt. https://medium.com/sunhyoups-story/grunt%EC%99%80-bower%EB%A5%BC-%EC%9D%B4%EC%9A%A9%ED%95%9C-%EC%9B%B9-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%A0%ED%8A%B8%EC%97%94..

SW-PRODUCT/개발 2017.11.09